These operating instructions contain the basic requirements to be followed during installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment. The instructions must be read by the technical operator and engineer responsible for the machine prior to installation and commissioning and kept available at all times at the operating site of the equipment.
Personnel Qualifications and Training
Personnel charged with operation, maintenance, inspection and assembly must be in possession of the appropriate qualifications for the tasks. Personnel lacking the required skills and knowledge must receive training and instruction. If necessary, the operating company may commission the manufacturer or supplier to conduct these training courses. Furthermore, the operating company must ensure that the personnel fully comprehend the contents of the operating instructions.
Safety Conscious Working
Warning signs of dangers must be positioned around the perimeter of the blasting operation and measures must be taken to ensure that no one enters the area of the blasting operation without permission and without adequate safety protection equipment. Should anyone enter the area, the pot tender must immediately close down the blasting operation by opening the safety petcock on the valve and/or the blaster must release the lever of the deadman handle.
WARNING: Abrasive ricochet and dust levels generated from the blast cleaning operation can be dangerous and all personnel within the area must wear adequate protection.
In the interests of safety and efficiency it is necessary that the blaster and pot tender operate some form of signalling or communication system. Under operating conditions where the blaster is not in constant view of the pot tender it is strongly recommended that a helmet communication system should be used.
Safety with Air & Blast Hoses
It is important that all hoses are connected correctly and securely.
WARNING: Escaping air is dangerous. It is essential that all air hose connections are secure and that any sealing gaskets required are in good condition and used in the correct position. Internal hose couplings or nozzles designed to locate inside the blast hose must not be used as they can be dangerous. A back thrust is created by the action of the compressed air passing through the nozzle. Therefore the operator must ensure he has adopted a safe stance and position and must maintain a firm hold of the nozzle holder/blast hose.
It is essential that all connections on the helmet air hoses are secure and under no circumstances must the helmet be used until the air supply has been turned on and found to be entering the helmet in the required volume and quality.
Ensure that the compressed air supply to the machine is turned off and all airlines are purged of pressure and disconnected from the blast machine before any maintenance work is carried out. Precautions should be taken to prevent accidental turning on of the compressor air supply
General Machine Safety
The maximum safe working pressure of each machine is marked on its identification plate and must not be exceeded. A periodic examination/pressure test is essential.
The pot tender must be kept clear of the exhaust silencer at all times as the sudden release of pressurisation can be dangerous.
Never attempt to wheel the machine over rough/uneven ground. For hoisting, lifting lugs provided on the blast machine must be used. Do not connect slings to other parts of the machine. Always disconnect ancillary hoses from the machine and ensure the machine is empty of abrasive prior to it being moved.
If the blast machine is not to be used for a period of time (meal break, shut down etc) it is advisable that it is empty of abrasive – this will assist in preventing unnecessary blockages due to condensation.
Ensure the inspection door assembly is correctly located in position to ensure a good seal as air leaking from here can be dangerous.
Typical Airborne Noise Emissions Expected
The operation of this equipment can generate noise levels which can be damaging to the ears. It is essential that the operator, pot tender and all other personnel in the vicinity be made aware of this and that suitable ear defenders are worn.
The following are readings taken from identical equipment operated under the conditions detailed below
The readings recorded should be used to determine the level of ear protection required by the operator(s) and personnel at risk
Equipment Description: 2040NC portable blast machine
Location and Test Conditions: Hodge Clemco Ltd External Test Area
Power and Load Conditions: 80 psi with a ½” Nozzle