Avialite Gelblast

Fine grade amino plastic blast media. Used mostly as an alternative to Sodium Bicarbonate and mainly used to remove paint and coatings from aluminium and composite materials without damaging the substrate.



GEL2: <0.18mm


  • Abrasive Type: Plastic
  • Density: 1.47 – 1.52 g/cm³
  • Bulk Density: 0.7 g/cm³
  • Hardness: 3.5 Mohs
  • Friability: Medium
  • Recyclability: Medium
  • Dust Levels: Very Low
  • Shape: Semi-Cubical
  • Colour: White


  • Depainting
  • Surface finishing
  • Surface preparation
  • Vehicles
  • Graffiti removal
  • Metals
  • Plastics and composites
  • Soda blasting
  • Vapour blasting